Episode 5 | Ultimate Italy Show | Italian for Travelers
Parli italiano? (Do you speak Italian?)
If you do, AWESOME!
If not, don't worry. This short video will walk you through all the Italian you will need to know on almost any trip.
Q: Kerri, do i need to know Italian to travel to Italy.
A: Short answer, no. Most people (especially those in areas that cater to tourists) speak at least broken english. The first time I went to Italy, I knew only the words we use here in the United States (mostly pasta dishes and ciao).
(Now here's the long answer) Just learning a few simple phrases can make your trip even more enjoyable. You don't have to be fluent in Italian, but you should try to say a few things. Learn the more common phrases like "Thank You", "Hello" and "Goodbye" etc.... and then move on to just a little more. Phrases like "Have a good day" and "Check please" will make you look like a rock star. Most people never try to learn the simplest words, and knowing these words shows that you care enough to put in more time in learning about the culture you are visiting.
This video will walk you through the most common words and phrases you will want to learn. They are not difficult and there are only handful so I KNOW you can learn them before you go.
Ci vediamo,
Kerri (and Martina)